Strategies For Improvement

04 Strategies for School Improvement

I have crafted vision and implementation plan for the role of FACE Coordinator. This plan includes four objectives and actionable steps for a smooth transition. The four categories include understand the current role, build relationship, support the vision, and strengthen the role by creating and innovating.

Artifact: 90 Day Entry Plan (coming soon)

05 Strategies for Monitoring School Progress

As an Instructional Lead teacher, I worked with my administrator and the instructional team to develop our schools’ management plan. As you can see in the plan, we used data to identify performance priorities as well as identified actionable steps and timelines for our objectives.

Artifact: School Management Plan (coming soon)

06 Strategies for a Positive School Culture

Building partnerships with students, families, staff, and community members is key to a positive school community and climate. To create a welcoming school community, we must organize activities that include and celebrate all stakeholders. We must communicate effectively and frequently in a variety of methods and listen to stakeholders. The Artifact is a presentation I shared with staff for curriculum adoption. The presentation includes the following components, student voice, a transparent rubric, and written feedback provided by the book adoption committee. Our staff was able analyze, explore, discuss the information with each other as they explored physical materials. Students and staff felt valued and respected by this process.

Artifact: Inclusive school culture

09 Strategies for Supervising and Improving Instruction

A leader must cultivate relationships and inspire others to find their success. Their effectiveness is considered when their position impacts others in this way. In the following papers I described my work with a new teacher, as her mentor and support during her first year at my school. The additional articles reflect my understanding of teacher evaluations and how to create the supports needed for their success.


  • Observation Experience

  • Professional Growth Plan

  • Instructional Assistance

  • Professional Action Plan

16 Professional Meetings

As active member of my school community I have participated and led various professional meetings over the years. I most recently led an initiative in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for our staff and community members. We looked at demographic data for choice programs and identified key areas of growth. The artifact is an example of the presentation.